Thanks Keith,thats the action along w/ circulation of my bio tank ,not having done the growing phase I ,was considering the easy options ,and was not worried about the solids yet with the worm population ,I do not know much about this subject yet ,and with the existing pond and it's excellent filteration this is the only point to get raw material that have only been screened ,through the sand and really not been altered in there make-up and since this is an on going weekly process ,peeked my interest and isolating it in the growing cycle seemed like a plausable idea to circumvent the need for fish in the system and illiminate other concerns of cycling and fish damage or comtaminating the pond in any way and be able to concentrate only on the effect on the plants ,the weekly additions of fresh fish matter ,over flowing week old
solution while refreshing seemed do able ,My primitive understanding of the process is the plants ,the grow bed material along with the flood drain ,for oxygen are infact the bio filteration to counterbalance the fish waste to safe levels for the fish ,but allow a continious cycle to produce more waste ,w/o fish ,directly involved ,my thought was stronger amounts might be exceptable by the plants but now the fish ,So I thinking the real determiner is going to be PH which would dictate plants ,liking different levels ,I hope all that make so kind of sense ! Carl