Trying to grow indoors, especially something that blooms... brings up other issues with lighting....
I don't think the cost is worth it. Our tomatoes aren't worth thousands of dollars like some folk's plants may be... . We only have a month or two, where you won't have tomatoes growing.

Yes, tomatoes are very easy to transplant into aquaponics. I normally fill up a bucket with water...and gently raise and lower the plant's roots in and out of the water. Just trying to get most of the stuff off.

If your buying bonnies at might consider a 'patio tomato' or two. The plant doesn't get too big, and they taste decent. They are a medium size fruit.

fyi....just because the big box store has starter plants in stock, doesn't mean it's the 'correct' time to plant them.
Also...flowering plants like peppers and tomatoes don't do as well in a new system, as compared to a mature system... You can stick them in, most of has done it... .. with our brand new systems and they kind of sit there for awhile.
Check out your local hydroponics shop, and look for some 'maxicrop with iron'. It's made from seaweed and has some trace minerals. It gives a new system a kick start.

Quote Originally Posted by FloridaChris
So summer months do you only grow the okra, sweet potatoes, and spinach? Trying to figure out what plants I can start planting now.
I just mentioned them because , they are a pretty sure thing, to grow in the heat.
Make sure to note....that is 'MALABAR' spinach, not the stuff that popeye ate... :P It's a vine and is from a tropical area....and it 'loves' the heat. ... inach.aspx

Check out the link I shared earlier....look for the chart on plants for 'warm season'. The charts have FL broken into 3 areas with different growing times. Make sure your looking at 'south fl" planting times.

Hope this helps some....