Welcome to the forum and obsession.

When you say aquaculture, are you planning on using plants and growbeds as your filters... If so, this is actually called aquaponics and is a totally different ball game.

1. What size system are you thinking of building? Fishtank size? Growbeds/filters size? How many fish/veggies would you like to raise?
2. What type of fish and or veggies are you planning on growing?
3. Back to what size system are you thinking and would you be doing all the labor, or need to sub it out. Would you scrap it together with cheap items, or want it custom built to look nice and impress the neighbors? Do you want to feed your fish a more natural diet, or just commercial feed?
4. Also depends on if you want to sell veggies as well. Would you be cleaning the fish, or selling them live.

Lots of things to think about. As far as emailing any suggestions, we prefer to share inside the forum for all to see and benefit from.