Quote Originally Posted by JCO
The link below will show you how the president of the United States intends to represent the American people... that is if you are Black.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdjoHA5o ... e=youtu.be
What percent Black is Obama?...

Quote Originally Posted by Yahoo Answers
Very little. He is more white than black. His father is mostly Arab. In fact the only black blood his father has is a great grandparent, on his mother's side. Thats Obama's great-great grandparent. That makes Obama 1/2 caucasion, 7/16th Arab and a mere 1/16 black.

To be legally recognized as a minority in this country you must be at least 1/8th the enthnicity in question. Even in Kenya, Obama's father is leagally recognized as "Arab African.

Look it up on the internet!
6.25% Black
43.75% Arab
50.00% White as someone else stated
What I don't understand is??? Was he born in Africa? Why use the term African American... If he was actually born in Hawaii, then He is all American. Does he hold citizenship in Africa as well? Either you are all American (whether you are born here, or you immigrate here legally), or you are not. It's that simple. American is not a race, it is a nationality, and I grow tired of people using it as a race. After all, you can be 100% African and still be white or (Caucasian, whatever that means). When people use the term African American, it is racist and unpatriotic! It suggest that being an American alone is not good enough, somehow, they need to turn it into a race to make it good enough to describe them.
Also, since we all descended from Adam (if you believe that way) then, we all should use the term Adamian Americans? or, if you believe that we all descended from cavemen, then Neanderthalian Americans? This is just ridiculous.

As Paul Harvey would say: WAKE UP AMERICA!