I see possible signs of at least 5 deficiencies, but the main one causing the crinkled leaf and the abnormal leaf growth is likely calcium. For these "hybrid" species it requires A LOT MORE than lesser species, and by lesser I obviously mean less manly like that weak Jalapeno. I eat Jalapenos for breakfast! Wait, I really do... Anyway... Dissolve some crushed eggshells in vinegar and keep adding eggshells until they don't disappear anymore (this will get the pH to about 8, which is fine). Check my guide on the magazine page for info and video. Or just buy that stuff they sell for tomatoes for blossom end rot (it's liquid calcium usually). I always throw some Epsom salt in too. If you're in a pinch, you can just add a little Epsom salt and you will see some immediate improvement. The damaged leaves will remain damaged, but the new foliage will grow properly.

P.S. Immediate in plant years means a few days to see it turn around...