Gentlemen....and Ladies, I have been reading this forum for the past few days trying to absorb all the information I can about Aquaponics. My interest started out with hydroponics, but rapidly shifted to AP after finding this forum. I feel the possibilities to take this (AP) as far as one wishes is only limited by ones' imagination and "want to". I am of the same opinion as most of the respondants to this particular thread. This thread's subject matter caught my eye, and as I read I thought, Yep, I'm in the right place. I have never put together an AP system, but intend to start very soon. At present I'm tinkering with a small hydroponics setup, but that's another story. I realize this is not the right place to introduce myself, but, I figured that since the type of discussions in this particulat thread is the basis for my being here in the first place......why not? You see, I'm a beginning prepper - kinda. I'm not going all out, but I want to be at least a little self-sufficient when it comes to feeding my family. Food is just one part of the big picture, but without food nothing else much matters, does it? I feel that the gubment we have now in control of this contry is frightening and I see nothing good happening in the near future. In my opinion we are rapidly being steered into socialism and the majority of the population seems to be quite content with that. Well, I'm not. I've been around for quite a few years minding my own business and behaving myself......well, not getting caught, anyway ........ and I don't feel good at all about this country's future. But I digress....and wander. I AM quite excited and eager to get an AP system up and running, and with what I have learned from lurking/reading this forum I expect things to go much smoother than starting out on my own. It's such a pleasure to be able to gather all you learned guys in one place right on my computer any time I have a question bouncing around in my bald head. I've also read with much interest "urbanfarmer's" posts about the business aspects of AP . Maybe I'll get close enough to him one day to offer to buy him a beer so I can bounce some ideas around with him - not that I wouldn't be happy to buy any of you a beer if given the opportunity. Well it's time to put my soapbox away and say I'm happy to find this forum with so many like-minded people, and looking forward to getting a system up 'n runnin soon. Hope I don't have to ask too many questions.......