PH was 6.8 down from the initial 7.8-8.0 during startup and before cycle started. I did not mention but I plan on getting crushed coral to buffer the PH from the nitrification process. The water on Saturday morning was cloudy and reddish (I fed them on Friday an hour after acclimating them but not on Saturday at all since I wanted to slow the ammonia production down). I think it turned cloudy because of the food and fish poop that wasn't being filtered properly. Once the polyester was added in the new bigger filter, the polyester is reddish brown (like a clay color almost). And the water is back to being nearly crystal clear. The water does not appear to smell. I didn't particularly put my nose to it. But I did not notice anything either while I was at the shop tonight checking up on them. There were 2 dead fish but 2 out of 200 in 2 days didn't seem too bad. I fed them tonight. After I fed them I took the tests and realized ammonia was between 4-8ppm. Otherwise I wouldn't have fed them tonight either.

Oh yea water temp is at 82F. I have 2 300w heaters running in the filter. With the goldfish I ran the system at around 60-65 degrees depending on the outside temp. My warehouse is not insulated. Since this is trials right now I'm not worried about insulating the tanks, etc. I'm learning from my mistakes now so when I expand the system I do it once and right.