That is odd. I can see losing some to stress....but that many?

I did buy some bluegill awhile back. When I bought them, they packed them in a bag with pure oxygen. The drive was about 2 hours. None were dead on arrival. I did lose maybe a dozen or so during the next week. I wish I would of given them a salt bath when I got them to the farm...

Tilapia are a lot tougher...much easier to my opinion.
I harvested about a dozen large tilapia and gave them to a friend of mine. I had packed them in ice and they were in the ice chest for about an hour and a half before he got them home. The one on the very top...the last one caught, was still alive.
That was about a year ago and he's still swimming in my buddy's goldfish pond. His name is ...Methuselah ....