Quote Originally Posted by foodchain
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However, YP are slow growing and they try to breed at an early age I have seen them try at about 3 inches. Most places that try to make a commercially viable return on them have a hard time doing so because of these two reasons. Energy spent on growing is spent on breeding.
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Start SMALL. Let me say that again....SMALL.

That way if there's an OOPS, which will happen...sooner or later. You don't have a lot of $'s tied up. I have watched a lot of $ in fish die because I made oops's and didn't have the experience to react appropriately. Bet I do now though.
i know that in the south, when people say perch, they mean bluegill.. which do breed early, tend to stunt in ponds from overcrowding that are don't have enough predators..

i'm not sure if you're talking about the same yellow perch (perca flavescens)
yellow perch take up to 2 years to breed for the first time, and put most of there energy into growing before putting energy into reproduction.. they usually reach market size before reaching sexual maturity;


and i agree.. start small.. you may be able to find a pond owner that is stocking and will let you get in on his order..