Yup, been reproducing a long time. I have been selectively breeding/culling for an orange/red Tilapia. They are easier to see in the water, easier to count orange fry than grey ones, and are cooler looking when I pull them out.
Seems though that I always end up with all white ones in there too. Must be some kind of recessive gene. Either way I expect in a few more generations they won't be around much.

I am starting to work on breeding for an increase in brood size and colder tolerance. I have mine down to 40-50's degree air temp now before ill effects start showing.
Yes I know they aren't supposed to tolerate that. But for the last month my Tilapia have been in the outdoor ponds here in TX and we are getting a couple nights in the 40's and to date I have lost only two of them.
First I thought the pond was insulating and not losing heat fast enough to have serious effect on them, but then I went back and checked water depths, lots of surface area, and deepest point is 3ft on the deep end, and 6 inches on the shallow. I don't believe its deep enough to hold enough heat long enough to make much difference. I just replaced the pumps on it, and at over 2500 gallons per hour it circulates/turns over the water fairly well.
I will probably add another waterfall this year, but that's down the list.