Hi Dave,
I'm new to this particular forum (I've very active over on one of the others and I'm sure many people here know who I am though.)

Anyway, I stumbled across this forum and your thread here.

Guess what, if you want some Blue Tilapia, I have some right now I would be willing to share. I'm not that far away. Just Up near Mount Dora. I've got some little tiny babies that were born in the past couple months and I have some more slightly larger juviniles that were from some late spring breeding. If ya got an ice chest and battery powered bubbler, you can easily get some home. Send a PM if you are interested. I won't be keeping the small ones too much longer as I want to get the quarantine tank ready for a new batch of catfish.

I'm not going to keep many tilapia overwinter. Just some in an aquarium inside I think since I don't want to put the effort/money into keeping the system as warm this winter. I have channel catfish that will keep well over winter and in our climate, I think probably grow just as fast as the tilapia. But tilapia are far better for small tanks and can handle a new system cycling up much better than channel catfish will.