Hi sanford. I wanted to make sure you saw this great info bsfman shared in regards to attacting bsf.....

One of the best attractants is soured cracked corn. Snag a bag at your local feed store, fill a bucket up with it to about the 4 gallon level, dump a cup or two of sugar in it and fill it with water to just above the level of the corn. The corn will soak up the water and the sugar stimulates microbial growth. Snap the bucket lid on and set it in a warm place (full sun is okay). After a few days, you'll have a semi-funky slowly bubbling bucket of BSF candy! Salt your bin with the cracked corn bait and they should find it soon. Typical time from setting bait to observing BSF larvae in the bin? About 19-21 days.

The egglaying females are particularly attracted to bait that has hatchling larvae in it, so once you get eggs that have hatched out, your colony growth will really take off due to the additional egglaying the hatchlings attract!