Quote Originally Posted by davidstcldfl

According to Fl fish and game.... there are 'blues' in the large lake that my city sits on. I'll just have to practice my fishing skills....

This is kind of interesting....At Fl fish and game's web site, they say...just "assume" any tilapia caught are blues. But then they say, any ones that are not blues , must be put on ice. However, the blues can be kept alive. They dont want the hybrids to be (live)transported.
If you get tired of fishing, PM me, and I can put you in touch with some Blues

Quote Originally Posted by davidstcldfl
In-order to keep them from breeding.... I need to suspend a net, just above the bottom of the tank ?
Yup! just use a net or screen that is suspended 1" or so above the bottom, so the eggs will fall thru it and she can't get down to pick them up.