Thanks guys. I went ahead and picked them up today. The car ride went pretty smooth and no casualties. I had to use a 20 gallon tote lined with a garbage bag then I put the lid on and pulled the garbage bag around the lid so no leaks. Finally buckled the tote in the back seat. I bought a battery operated air pump that seemed to work pretty well.

I put them in the tank and so far they seem ok. I also built a little Fish Hotel out of 4" drain line pieces cut to 12" lengths and zip tied together to form pyramid shape. The guy I bought them from had one and the fish seemed to really like it.

JCO - I didn't realize they were such a dirty fish. The water movement is excellent. I put in an AP 20 Danner air pump and the output is a 1/2 inch air line running 5 small air stones and one 12 inch air stone. The tank looks a bit like a jacuzzi. My filtering is a bit light but I'll look into something more substantial... Maybe a swirl filter with a bottom tap. For now, I'm relying on my SLO and filter at the end of the drain line. Too bad I don't live if Fla, I'd be glad to help ya out with your space problem.

UF - We settled on $6 each. The largest is about 10 inches and the smallest around 7. The guy I bought them from says they'll breed ok once I raise the water temp up to 85F.