Greetings and welcome to the forum.

I believe it takes about two years to grow out trout. Therefore, your system won't be fully mature until then. It really requires a fully mature system producing lots of nitrates to grow flowering plants like tomatoes and peppers. Even then, it my be a challenge to grow 16 square feet of flowering plants with your system, all depending on your fish density and the amount of waste produced and processed by your bio-filters.

Also, trout are sensitive to water conditions and not a good choice for an Aquaponic newbie. Producing high nitrates generally requires water that has a constant higher level of ammonia and nitrites that are being converted to maintain the nitrate level as the flowering plants remove the nitrates from the water and this may not be conducive to maintaining healthy trout.

Go with leafy greens for the first year and then slowly add in one or two flowering plants over time when the nitrate level is well over 40 ppm. Keep a close watch on your nitrates as they flower.

If you plan on breeding and brooding your fish, then multiple cross linked tanks are preferred.

In order to get an ample Daily Light Index (DLI), which is the total light received in a 24 hour period, 400 watts of HID operating 12 to 18 hours a day is good for about one square meter (10.76 sq ft) when growing leafy greens (Halide) but not enough for flowering plants (Halide during growth and HPS during flowering).

On the positive side, your fish tank to grow bed volume (assuming 12 inch deep grow beds) is good and should work for you.
