I used a common header to drain 6 mixing tubs, each having it's own bell siphon. I was never really happy with it... If one siphon was engaged, it seemed to delay the start of the next one that was ready.

-The header was 1 1/2 inch pipe....it should of been 'at least' 2 inch.
-Each 1/2" drain went to it's own sanitary tee on the main header...I should of used wyes or combos.
-I used dwv 90's for the turns...I should of used dwv 'long radius' 90's.
-I thought that the air, each bell would draw, would be enough...but, I ended up adding a vent to the main header, it's self.

About a year later, after a system re-design....I ran 'each' 1/2 " drain to the sump. So much easier....never had an issue with any of the bells. The cost of the pvc materials 'may have' been less too..?