You know, there's just some jobs I wish I had never done. Potable water tanks is one of them.
Nasty things. Water treatment know the big Sh**tanks were more tolerable. At least I know going in what they were.

The problem with the experiment idea, is that there are infinent variables. For instance, PH, ph levels will play a role in how much copper is dissolved. Temp plays a role in how fast/slow the PH will absorb it too. Now factor in salt, etc. To get a trully accurate experiment you would have to find a way to isolate and stabilize each variable or otherwise neutralize it from the equation.
Otherwise you would end up with results for your data....

But not clearly understand what got you there. I have been there, done that and it leaves me looking foolish when I try to explain to someone how to copy the project, and they can't duplicate the same results.