Quote Originally Posted by keith_r
actually, TC documented her experiments pretty well with her "peeponics" information..
just because you didn't do the experiment does not mean it's folklore..
I would like to see this documentation you speak of. Unless you refer to the "blog post" that was "Posted by [...] on June 6, 2010 at 8:00pm" and it is full of folklore. I can cite EPA standards and other health related guidelines on relevant topics that can support that, but why bother... sigh...

One of the claims I have heard is that it's UNSAFE until you let it sit. The other is you HAVE to let it sit in a bottle for X amount of time to convert the urea to ammonia. Both are untrue. The concepts are derived from how someone feels about what is happening. Therefore, it is folklore.

BTW, I am not saying not to let it sit in a bottle. You can store human urine in as many bottles as you like and for as long as you like. It will still work in the system to some extend (depending on how long you store it, of course).

Ancient Chinese folks used to store human urine in jars for 10 years. They would then harvest it to use as a remedy for burn wounds. If I recall the documentary correctly, the chemical found in 10 year old urine is similar to the pharmaceutical we use today for such a purpose.

Hope that helps!