Quote Originally Posted by keith_r
if you age your pee for a couple weeks in a sealed container, this will allow the pee to convert to am, if you go "directly" in your tank, you won't get ammonia readings for at least a few days, so don't add more until you see the first rise in am
This folklore began in another community. After many requests for some scientific reasoning for WHY this MUST be done, I have yet to receive a single response. On the other hand, I can present a case using some basic chemistry as to why this is foolish and wasteful and... ultimately, folklore. I wont get into it with pages of research and science that no one cares about; so, I'll just leave it at that.

Just pee in your water. Keeping it in a bottle for some undefined set of time is nothing more than modern day witchcraft.


P.S. Yes, the cyanate ion can convert back to ammonia through biological or purely chemical means. The biological reaction may be why you observed a delayed spike in ammonia, but I still don't see why this is "bad", per se.