Why track them? Tracking them provides you data on trends and cycles. If you are using a heater in the water, the thermostat there maintains a more or less constant temp. If you are doing this outside, as in my case...you are relying on the weather. In which case you utilize the appropriate species of plants, fish accordingly. Don't get me wrong. Data is important in a lot of things. But documenting water temp trends, especially in a heated system....just doesn't make sense to me.

I am not trying to be insulting or patronizing. I legitametly don't understand this. You are relying on a purchased thermostat to keep that temp. So depending on your water volume, you really aren't going to see much of a swing in degrees the greater the volume, the more stable it is. Which from either a fish or plant stand point, is more than tolerable, if not desirable.

Perhaps I am just proving my own ignorance.