Wolfracer, thanks for the compliments! I too am stuck with this in my head. In retrospect, I would have built my entire system with this technique. I used Portland mortar with coarse sand and lath. The lath takes the place of the rocks in concrete allowing a thinner, lighter and more durable coat. The tank itself will handle the pea gravel or any other type of grow media. The legs or base is what would be supporting the weight. [If it is going to be raised off the ground] My base was made thinking I was going to use an e.p.d.m. liner. I chose the grey 1 inch landscape gravel and didn’t think the liner would hold up for any length of time even though it comes with a pretty big warranty. Just want to reiterate that stucco or concrete needs to be coated with epoxy paint to alleviate any leaching, ph or cracking problems. I’m still on the fence as to what to use. There are a few brands of cistern coatings and the Sweetwater aquaculture paint from aquatic eco. Let me know if I left anything out, I’m happy to help! Jon

Big cistern

ferrocement tank