Quote Originally Posted by Madmax478
Quote Originally Posted by urbanfarmer
Quote Originally Posted by Madmax478
ANALOGY: It's like filling your tire with air every morning before you drive it as a fix for a small hole in the tire. Balancing your system is like replacing the tire or patching the hole.
Ok but would you agree it would buy you enough time, to get you the answer you need, from a form like this. Hopefully with out losing to many fish.
At the risk of not giving you the answer you want, it depends. The conditions in your water will dictate how well the bacteria you are adding will do. They might get their lunch money stolen and beaten up on day 1 or they could take hold and do very well in your system for much longer. If you want to try it, try it. I have tried a few brands myself. Some seem to do nothing while others seem to have some positive results in the short term. I will never bother buying another bottle of any brand again because it's just silly, but if you have an emergency you might as well try it.

Let us know what happens!