Yes, it sure seems that way. Last big cull we did was 30 fish ranging in size from 3/4 -1lb up to 3lbs- The fillets of the 3/4-1lb to 1.5lb fish were about the same sized. I did not check sex, which could be a factor. The fish were mostly the same age- except the really large ones which were left over from previous seasons.

They are as pure bred as they could be, though some were gifts as fry- they originated from Morning Star which is advertized as pure bred. We do not have any of the hybrids. Our breeders have been selected by their vigor and initial growth.

My wife is quite the chef- so no waste there. It seems to me that the variance is in the rib cage/organs. From what I can physically see they seem to grow out along the ribcage during the next phase of of their life. This could also be a difference in the sex- but if that were true- all reports I have read say males grow faster and give a better ratio of meat which is not what we saw.

I see many reports of 6-9mo fish harvests, but I take these with a grain of salt- much the same as someone reporting on how many heads of lettuce can be grown in a particular system- when they are really speaking of the lettuce from starts - NOT seeds. It seems too good to be true. I would give the fish about a year from hatchling to harvest (9mo fom fry) depending on the season and water temp as well as food.

Seems like we also need to start a recipe thread...and takers???