Okay, I can understand that. A picture is worth a thousand words. And via online pics are sure cheaper than air fare.
So how can I help? I am an open book here. What do you want to know?
Oh, and as for the GB I am using simple white gutters. Some say "too shallow". And that's not quite accurate. Plants like strawberries, have very shallow roots, and really appreciate being hot. The more sun and heat the sweeter the berry. Hydroton is the bed material, and it's set up as combination of the ebb and flow and the river bed. The gutters are secured between vertical posts, but with a grade. A series of float switches turn the pumps on and off. Allowing the roots to get wet, and air out. This may not be the "best" way. But I have over 100 ft of gutters, and it works for me. This works good for basil, and lettuce as well. Come spring, I will try pumpkins and grapes.