okay...what exactly do you want pictures of? I am in the process of creating/expanding a polyculture setup, primarily with freshwater prawns and Tilapia. I have been working with a proffessor in HI, and UVI as consults on every step of this operation. There's a lot going on. I have several species that I am working with though, and we are not just limited to the Tilapia or Prawns. What exactly do you want me to photograph that would convince you of my credibility and end this vulgar petiness? I came here to volunteer info, nothing more. The above info provided isn't innacurate, you should be able to keep Pacu at 200 gallons per adult. Why wouldn't you? Size is not the limiting factor so much as volume/surface area. Example: You can put more fish of equal size in a shallow large surface area aquarium/pond than a tall small surface area even though they are the same volume. Assuming all other factors are the same. This is true with most aquatic species. The greater the surface area the greater the gasious exchange.
Now I have already extended an open invitation for you to visit, and you won't. Now this is getting out of hand. So I ask again, as I am erroring on losing my patience. What exactly is it you want from me, so that I can prove my credibility?
Our large ponds are terraced, one flowing into the next. The lowest one being semi-submerged to aid in insulation and heat loss. For the warm water species, we keep them out doors 9months or so a year to take advantage of the climate. So, the Pacu would be possible, IF it can attain an edible size in 9 months +/-. Which by your above post IS possible, though more research needs to be done to determine IF this is due more to your warmer temps and longer season or to the food/environment you provided. This is a recirculating system, some people call it a "closed", I believe it is more of a semi closed system. Prawns take 4-5 months here to mature, I don't spawn them, but purchase post larvae and growout. Tilapia are a summer crop too, with us wintering over the breeders. There's no chance of escape into local waters as I am miles from a hyrdrologically connected body of water. NONE of these are sold/purchase by anyone. This is a personal operation, personally financed, and until I work the bugs out is nothing more than an expensive hobby that I HOPE to make something of someday. I came here to share what small amount of knowledge I have that I have accrued over years of mistakes. Do the math, I am 32 now, breeding fish since 6 years old = 26 years. I suppose you want a picture of the Pineapple Sword tail I bred at 6? Utterly insulting. I came here in the hopes that it might help a newer adict to this hobby be less of a fish killer than I was when I started. And to learn something that someone else might no better than I, as GOD knows I don't know it all. But this is going south very quickly. I have knowledge I can share, that I have learned from making a lot of mistakes.....for instance Vitamin C can be used for removing chlorine from normal tap water, bypassing the expensive dechlorinators from the retail store. I have the doses for doing that, and have USED it myself to know that it's not just BS. Garlic can be used for inducing feeding in new arrivals or recovery of fish that don't want to eat. As well as fighting infections/disease as it boosts the imune system. Hard to spawn fish can be induced when nothing else works by taking water from tanks that fish readily spawn and mixing it with the non spawner water. There's a hormone or something in the water that tells the non spawners to get busy. OR you can order a hormone extract but most of those don't really work and are expensive. I know, I have done it. This does. I do not appreciate your excessively aggressive and condenscending approach. I came here to volunteer, to help...and I am utterly astonished at your conduct. So...one last time, since you insist on pushing this issue and won't grace us with your presence, what EXACTLY do you want a picture of?