Quote Originally Posted by urbanfarmer
I'm still trying to understand the problems people have with GMO or at least the claims they make...
Pandora opened the lid because she had the the gift of curiosity.
We want to open the lid on GMO's because of the gifts of knowledge and wisdom. However those gifts have been tainted by the curse of 'pride'... and his evil brother, 'greed', who lurks in the shadows

Do we 'really' think we understand the complex interaction of nature enough, to stick our fingers into it..? Let me know when someone 'creates' their 'own' matter, from 'nothing' and then creates a complex, intelligent life form from it...

Up front....the desire to have crops that resists bugs, fungus, heat, cold, ect, is a good thing. I understand that tomatoes were quite small at one time. By selecting plants with the traits we liked and saving those seeds, we came up with some wonderfully, tasty heirloom tomatoes.
However bugs and diseases like them as much as we do....and they don't ship well. So let's break out our tainted gifts....and create tasteless, some what square fruit, and gas them with chemicals till they are 'kind of' red and ship them around the world. And next year, we 'buy' more seeds to do the same.

UF, maybe you could write a paper that would calm the fears of the mexican and central america maze farmers. They have passed the same seeds down through countless generations, raising maze that grows well in it's environment with little, to no input from man.
Now, they are finding GMO corn, planted by here and there, by 'someone'.
'When' this GMO corn crosses with their heirloom seeds...no more saving their seeds to pass onto the next generation. Wow, now the maze will also have to have man made fertilizers added to it, to make it grow.
Let's see....'who' would be the 'someone' ...that would benefit from selling seed and man made fertilizers....?

You have a great concern with things like azomite, and now pvc, because you were taught in school that they have bad stuff in them (which is true). You can research the substances on line and find the info too. The info is somewhat 'black and white'....some 'scholar' has to determine what a 'safe level is'.

GMO safety is more of a 'concept'....not so much black and white 'facts'. That's what the 'makers' want you to think...that it's about facts.
Let's follow the money trail...along the path, we will find the 'tainted' gifts, given to mankind in full bloom.