Quote Originally Posted by urbanfarmer
Uranium occurs naturally in low concentrations of a few parts per million in soil. If you keep adding it to a closed system, even if over a period of a year, it will easily be 10's, 100's, or 1000's of times that. ESPECIALLY, if you're a MAN because you're going to think MORE IS BETTER. Do not lie, you would do it!
....your right 'us guys' would do it...

Lets keep using my 'off the wall' visual in the above post...in which I used 1 million pounds of azomite. And add your statement to it...
(I'm really tired....hope this makes sense...and hope my math is correct.. )

You said soil has 'a few' ppm of uranium....let's say 2. In order to get my backyard system's water up to 2ppm, a natural level...I would need to add 'x' pds of azomite...?

A cubic foot of the stuff is 48 pounds...a million pounds would be aprox 20,833 cu ft.
A gallon of water is a cu foot.

My backyard system is (just over) 2,000 gals/ cu ft....so my system's water is aprox 10% of the volume of the 20,833 cu ft (1 million pds of azomite)

Adding 10 % of azomite would give me 4 ppm, so I need to reduce that to 5 %.

In order to get 2 ppm of uranium into my system, a natural occurring level in soil....I would need to add 1,042 cu ft... 'or' ...50,000 pds of azomite to my backyard system.... .....wow, is my math correct ?

Quote Originally Posted by urbanfarmer
The "salt" or table salt is DIFFERENT. As I have been trying to tell everyone for so long, plants take up SODIUM in place of POTASSIUM and actually become more succulent as a result showing no signs of deficiency with the right amount of sodium.
So, I'm wasting my time adding banana peels to my media beds....oh well, the worms love them...

UF, What could we use, to add sodium to our systems (something 'cheap' and natural)....and how much per 100 gals to add 1 ppm ?