Quote Originally Posted by urbanfarmer
Unlike the natural soil outside, container gardens and aquaponics are closed systems. The above listed elements will accumulate in the water and the fish and possibly the plants.
I can see your point, that a regular dirt garden would have less of a chance to build up. A wicking bed, would perhaps, have the greatest chance of build up. While a container garden, should be next in line.

True, an aquaponic system is considered 'closed'. However saying the elements would 'build up', is some what, miss-leading. If that statement were completely true....after a few months we could pull the fish out and never add any more nutrients, because they are in a 'closed' system. Wouldn't that be nice...

The folks 'down under' regularly add salt to their systems. I've read threads in their forums where they discuss 'how many PPT' to use, and 'how often' they need to 'add more' ( using a meter to measure the salt. Seemed most used 1 ppt...up to 3 ppt was common) I remember one fellow mentioned how he could taste it in his celery. They were talking 'parts of a year'...adding more, a few times a year. Obviously the plants are using up 'any thing' in the water they can. Of course that is dependant on plant type, PH of the water, ect.

Also, rain water can dilute the system's water. As you know, here in FL, we can have an inch or two in an afternoon summer storm.
Of course, not every one does this...I have a swirl filter, and on a regular basis I'm removing and adding new water.

I'm not trying to say we even should use azomite in our systems. But after seeing the results 1st hand, when I did use it on my seedlings.... I have to wonder at how important are the interactions of the macro, and micro nutes with the more common ones..?....things that make you go 'Hmmmmm ?'

Yeah, the 'organic' thing is over rated. Too many inconsistencies...
Actually I don't remember them saying they had to spray something on their organic produce before shipping. Might of been when I was sitting in the back, I had to move forward, my hearing isn't what it use to be..
What was the purpose of the spray ? Did they happen to say?