Quote Originally Posted by wh33t
Hey guys,

My tank today dropped quite drastically in PH all of a sudden. It was moving slowly downwards yesterday but today it's obviously accelerating. I attribute this to the huge ammonia boost the system was given the other day via some human urine, about 4 days ago. The ammonia levels were immediately 8ppm or past 8ppm (I'm not sure how high the meter only goes to 8) after peeing in the Aquarium. The nitrites slowly came up over the past few days and now it too is also at the max level the test kit measures or higher (5ppm) and my Nitrates are at about 40ppm I figure, definitely not higher than 80ppm.

So I presume all of the nitrites are responsible for the downward PH spike. I presume I can do a 50% water change but I'm now also brewing some of that egg shell calcium fertilizer (the egg is dissolving as we speak). Am I correct in understanding that I can use this calcium fertilizer freely as an organic PH UP solution? Ex. I can't harm the fishies or plants by pouring too much in?

What IS the pH in question? I would LEAVE it alone. If your pH is somewhere between 5.5 and 8.2, just leave it until the bacteria are more established in about a week. Thoroughly rinse some eggshells and put them in the grow bed. DO NOT CRUSH THEM INTO TINY PIECES. Just put the large pieces in there (better yet, keep it easy to remove). The pH will raise and hover in the 7's once this balances out.