Quote Originally Posted by badflash
If you can raise cichlids, you'll have no problem with tilapia. That is what they are, but bigger and easier. Just keep them warm. That is the only down side to them.
In Southern California the weather is generally warm. In the winter we do get some cool days now and then (40's) and even snow believe it or not, but this is a seldom occurance and only happens about once every ten years.. Reading moster fish board it was suggested that plywood is a pretty good insulator as it does not transfer heat / cold very well. I should have no problem keeping the tank temp warm. Further, with the 2 x 4 outer frame, insulating it should be easy. If anything, I may need to cool it when we get those hot summer days.

A private lake called Corona is near by. They stock talapia and catfish this time of year and a hybrid trout during the winter months.