Quote Originally Posted by urbanfarmer
Quote Originally Posted by wh33t
Quote Originally Posted by keith_r
if it's just a "spot" above the eye, it could be ich..

treat with salt up to 3ppm to help the fish deal with whatever is stressing them (this would be hard on cucumbers, or strawberries if you have them in your gb's)....or if you have a hospital tank, you can treat with up to 12ppm salt for an hour or so (but that would kill most plants)
have you added any equipment to your system? (pipes, growbeds/media etc)? or is anything different from your original set up? sounds like a possible toxic condition may have been introduced?
It's not a spot, it's definitely some fluffy stuff. The only thing I added to the seemingly healthy grow bed was cheap fish from Petsmart, most of which die of seemingly unknown other causes. I don't think I'll ever shop there again.
Naw, I have gotten quite a few cheap fish from there!

You should put new fish in their own quarantine tank until all is well!
Does my quarantine tank require it's own pump and filter as well? I presume it would.