Great. I was looking at what others have done with barrels, IBC tanks, rubbermaid stock tanks, etc. and they all seem to work well however, I know me. I will never be satisfied unless I have the capability to go bigger if I choose to do so. The cost and transport of large tanks is prohibited. I have never worked with fiber glass but I have a friend that does.

I like DIY projects as well so I figured I would start with a 4 x 4 x 3 tank. This would require 3 sheets of 3/4" plywood, some 2 x 4, screws, and of course marine grade fiberglass / resin. (FDA aproved) The materials would cost a little over $100.00 when finished. I also read that the better quality of plywood used, the easier it is to prep for fiberglass. A/b plywood would add to the cost but might be worth it. Less filler, sanding, etc.

I am not 100% sure this is what I want to go with but I am leaning in this direction. If I decide to do this build, I will post images, cost, problems, photo's etc.