Hi all

Found this site the other day, and Ive found some amazing info. I did a diploma in Aquaculture many years ago, but have never used it. Now I'm building a small aquaponic system so I can re-learn everything Ive forgotten, and hopefully pick up some good practical experience.

My biggest concern is keeping the running costs down, as I'm sure it is with everyone else here, and getting the equipment I need as cheaply as possible!
My main running cost will be heating - the tanks Will be in an old stable block so will not get any direct sunlight. I'll put solar heating on the roof for summer, but in winter it gets to -5C quite often so I'm going to have to make a plan there. I'm thinking of using the pine shavings from the horses in a low temperature boiler, but I have to make it very efficient because I cant pump smoke all over the place! Ive been thinking of making a gasifier, but then I'll have to pelletise the shavings - more machinery!

I'm planning to grow tilapia Rendalii, and replace some of the feed with duck weed and worms etc. If my plans work out I'll hopefully be able to do this commercially - as long as I can find a market.
