Quote Originally Posted by urbanfarmer
Any sustainable practice is okay in my book! I have a bin going now and I have thrown anything I can get my hands on to see if they eat it. I'm still trying to figure out a good design for a permanent bin. They accidentally started in an old worm bin (it has drainage holes that's it) because I was storing some rabbit poo for the garden.
I had a website devoted to raising BSF (raisesoldierflies.com) . Unfortunately, it was destroyed back in July by some hackers and naturally, my web host claims they don't have a backup available. Somewhere, I have a sketch I will post (if I can find it) of an easy to build plywood bin that does a remarkable job of harvesting the larvae. I have learned though, that the tilapia (and presumable other fish) far prefer the immature light colored larvae to the darker mature larvae. Immature larvae are easy to harvest. Put a slice of bread face down on top of the bin and within 10 minutes, you can scoop them up by the handfull. I just used this technique 5 minutes ago to feed about a cup and a half to my tilapia.