Quote Originally Posted by ernie
Ummm... Color me clueless. What's reverbed mean in this context. Is it NFT, Nutrient Film Technique?
Riverbed just means constant flow (like in a river). So you can only grow plants that won't suffer from root rot since they root tips will be in the water the whole time. Apparently strawberries do really well in a riverbed system, and almost all the leafy green veggies like lettuce and spinach. I'm going to play like 2 or 3 of every kind of strawberry I can find, and then this fall I'll start planting some lettuce and spinach (since its too hot right now).

Jackalope, I'm going to cut round holes. I have a pretty nice hole saw drill bit set so it should do the job.

What is the recommended distance between holes? I figure I'll just make them as close as I can and then if the plants seem too crowded I'll just skip every other hole.