pH is down to 7, nitrates are up to about 80-100, temp 61 degrees. plants should be happy. hope to bring pH down to 6.5.
setting up last two beds one 120 gallon edpm linered 2x8' grow bed and one 4x4 grow bed.
picked up 1/2 cu. yd of red lava today for the last 4x4 which will incorporate a bell siphon.
2x8 will have a raft system

the other 2x8 GB has coir and perlite with one half of it planted in Yukon Gold potatoes and asparagus. i hope the asparagus will survive it is very dried out and late in the season. we'll see.

plants in 5 gal buckets are going crazy, added more food for worms tonight.

goldfish have settled in, have lost about 20 or so originally released 249 expecting since they are feeders that i would loose some.