Thanks for the feedback. I wil look into a bigger pump. So I'll recap and ask a few more

-Bigger Pump, cycle water once an hour.

-Better to have 2:1 growbed:fish tank ratio.

-25 lb max of fish to every 100 gallons of water.

Will it work to have the beds FILL by gravity, drain with siphons into a sump tank and then PUMP the water back to the fish? If anyone has done this, please post a link.

I was looking at doing FLOOD-DRAIN. Is it More effective to do CONSTANT DRIP and let gravity drain the beds?

For pumps, what works better: a constant flow pump like a magdrive/pond pump OR have a house style sump that automatically turns on and off in a sump tank?

Thank you in advance!

PS. This is for a community garden display/ informational setup.