Quote Originally Posted by chrisfoerst
I am installing my show right now and I ended up bringing about 25 gallons of cycled water to add to my system. But, here is my doubt. I set up today, move the fish in on Friday and harvest the fish on Saturday. Is it better to just add tap water and ascorbic acid to get the best tasting fish? Or is adding cycled water (especially to the bio filters) still the better option. At this point, I am mostly concerned about harvesting decent tasting fish. Thanks!
Assuming you have the compounds that cause off-flavors in your water then bringing more of it is of course not a good idea. You want fresh clean water to remove off-flavor, but please understand you may NOT have any off-flavor to begin with... this is not something that will ALWAYS happen. That's why so many folks argue about tilapia not tasting muddy and others swear by it whereas even others realize they can get a better taste by purging the fish.