The heart of the project is finally done! All that's left is to let the worms reproduce and let the worm castings accumulate into the system. Filled up the bed halfway with gravel, added half my wormbin material with worms, and topped it off with more gravel.
I'll have more pics once I get a hold of my cameraman.

Problems I'm seeing from the get go is the infestation of white mites. 8 or so visible mites on the yogurt containers isn't much of an infestation, but as to what direction it goes from there, who knows? Of course, these mites merely act as competitors for bacteria for the worms- they don't harm em directly, so if I'm overfeeding the worms, well, the white mites will be a sign. Either that, or the worms haven't even accessed the food yet (they accessed one container so far- the second remains untouched except by white mites).

The system also drains out a little too fast, despite the two layers of wire mesh. I believe this will be remedied after a while, through the accumulation of worm castings and other debris in the bottom.

The worms are alive and well, and its been 4 days, so that's something to celebrate, no?
On another note, I probably will have to add more worms- I think I added less than 100 into the system.