be careful feeding egg, it is a perfect grow medium for bacteria. i fed egg yolk to all of the tropical fish fry that i raised it is a wonderful source of nutrition. don't feed the egg white (save the arguements about nutrition). depending on your set up you can feed the egg yolk hard boiled and pulverized dropping in only what they can eat in a fairly short period of time. (i never have figured out this 3 minute or 5 minute limit rule someone came up with in the dark ages of aquarium keeping) i always allow a lot more time then that. usually up to an hour. you will have to test that for yourself. i don't like feeding starving fish in a feeding freenzy and thats what you end up with limiting their eating time it creates a great dispariety in growth and size.
you can buy bakers pure powdered egg yolk. it's large quantities (25lb bags) and unused portion must be kept in the freezer or at least refrigerated. this is sprinkled on top of the water.
the way i fed it to the fry was to place the fry in large white plastic bowls, egg yolk made into a paste, being a combination of hard boiled yolk, raw yolk (as a binder and adheasive), and with or without powdered egg yolk. i would stick the paste to the sides of the bowls and no matter what the species of fry they would go to it and pick it off. this is labor intensive but produced the fastest growth.
there is a product by OSI called APR (artificial plankton and rotifer) that was developed for the shrimping industry, for feeding the young shrimp. it has appetite enhancers in it. it too can be sprinkled on top of the water or mixed with raw yolk to for a past or small balls. it comes in quart cans.