SOOOooooooo.... you're the guy that passed her up...!!!! Well....Mister man of leisure and good times...I've been looking for you...! Why..? Because I'm the one that married her and...

I hold you accountable for my miserable life....!

1) No motorcycle (she says bicycle riding is healthier)
2) No hunting (she says you just want to go camping with the guy, drink beer and tell dirty jokes)
3) No fishing (she would never eat a fish I caught because she says you can never tell what that fish has been eating and the stink)
4) Don't even mention golf (she says if I want something to chase around on the grass, get the push mower out and chase it around the yard) 5)No booze of any kind what-so-ever (she and I got plastered one time and she got naked in public making a complete fool of herself so she's punishing me for it)
6) As for money in the bank...the last time I went into the bank was to get a 5th mortgage on our house to build a mother-in-law cottage (bigger than the house I live in I might add) because her mother is coming to stay. (I was informed of this after her mother had already been here and living in the spare bedroom for the past 3 months)
7) And lord help me if I EVER leave the toilet seat up
8) Or even try to sneak a chance at blowing an ill wind anywhere in the house.

So, what's your address, I have a couple things I want to drop off as soon as I can get both of them packed...!!!