Oh boy... put me on the spot why dontcha... well, this is a complex issue with no "1 answer fits all" type thing, but...

First off, what kind of grow bed do you have for that 60 cubic feet? Is it gravel-type, floating raft, or NFT?

What kind of fish and how many fish are you planning to stock in the system? Fox example, Tilapia in a low stocking density may not need any added aeration at all with an adequate pump in a flood/drain system.

At a minimum, always maximize your aeration from the RETURN WATER FLOW. Let gravity pull it back to the FT, but try to add ways to split the water into as many streams as possible. This costs NOTHING and can be more than enough added aeration/oxygen to your system.

Hope that wasn't overly complicated and still helpful... we can tackle your exact issues with more information.