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  1. #33
    Moderator stucco's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    palmbay florida

    Re: Peppers ..... mine won't sprout :?

    In reference to your response to my statement about sulfur deficiencies in AP- the statement was made with respect to the forum in general and the fact that this is a safe element in an AP system (BTW- another HOT topic when it comes to APs) - not with respect to the germination. Sulfur as a foliar spray in AP is beneficial to the health, growth and fruiting capacity of peppers. Both germination and fruiting (which you yourself had an issue with on the b. jol.) have been the topic of conversation in this thread- therefore both can and should be responded to, but you should not confuse one with the other- but my logic is to kill as many birds with one stone as possible- let's just say I'm a multi-tasker- so here it goes.
    As far as the Farmer’s trick- don’t’ you know that our farmer grandparents were smarter than the average weekend gardener- but let’s break it down. Sulfur is not used in the act of germination in the way you are thinking because your recent studies told you PH and Temp were the common factors- which is true- but as you know cold stratification and also scarification are necessary for some plants and can be helpful in germinating many types of seeds. In this aspect, sulfur plays a limited role in the deterioration of the seed coat allowing the germination process to occur within a shorter period much the same as a sulfuric acid dip would be used commercially on a quantity of seeds for germination- but in a more gentle and natural way.
    No peppers don’t necessarily need this, but hey- every little bit helps... and what sulfur also does is provide a level of protection to the seed as a fungus fighter therefore giving a better chance of survival to the sprouting seed from a variety of possible dampening off species such as Pythium or Rhizoctonia while also providing a minute amount of acid to the surrounding seed's soil- which we all know pepper plants love. In the end, the embryonic root that has emerged during germination is able to maximize healthy growth thru the use of this very same sulfur!
    So if we are to recap so you can follow the logic: Add sulfur to: 1. Help to deteriorate the seed coat and provide a slightly acidic soil medium which peppers love 2. Fight possible infections which will halt germination and/or seedling emergence and growth 3. Maximize the health and growth of your new plants by making available a limited nutrient in your AP system, and finally 4. Increase the fruiting capacity by use of an AP safe epsom salt foliar spray.
    And just for good measure- you should know that pepper seeds are Phytochromes which means they are reactive to light. Germination occurs as a response to light- If a seed is planted beyond the reaches of the available light spectrum- it will not be able to trigger the germination process.
    Finally, if you are interested there are many current research studies which prove the essential Laws of Cuticular Penetration - which you can assuredly Google.
    BTW- here are some recent pepper photos from the AP- just look at the Cowhorn and Dital's - they are going crazy this season.. the Dital pepper plant is a good 5 foot tall and full of blooms and peppers..the Cowhorn is hiding behind it dripping with fruit. I am just trying to come up with a new sauce this season. I hope you all have fun planting this season's peppers and remember please post photos!
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