As i promised earlier I am posting pictures of the plants to show the amazing amount of growth in a short amount of time. The first pic is looking in the doorway of the greenhouse showing as much of the growbeds as the angle will allow.


I replaced the Bok Choy I had planted with a zuchini plant this may ne have been a mistake as this thing is exploding in size!


The leaf lettuce I planted just kinda set there until the PH of the system fell below 7.8 then it really took off.


Here is beans and cherry tomatos I planted the beans at the same time i planted them in the dirt garden but these are twice as tall and are flowering already.

beans and cherry tomatos

Here are the river beds system, the tall leafy plants at the top are swiss chard the big ones one the bottom right are believe it or not radishes. I also have tarragon, dill, basil, spinach, and thyme in these.


Here is the Basil, I probably need to thin these out but I think I will leave the to see how far they will go.


Below is the taragon which is starting to take off.


The nice thing about this project is I have yet to pull out 1 weed.

Thanks for looking and comments suggestions welcome!