Hi folks. Just saying hi and hoping to become a regular member here. I suppose initially I have to say that I am very new to this. I have no previous experence however am a keen gardner and a fisherman so there's a start. Have recently purchased a small holding here in the UK and have plans to use the 2 acres of land to make a small second income. When I bought it I was going to use it for livestock or possibly growing fruit but then I saw Aquaponics ! No this may be a non started right from the begining so pls go gently on me. Now that I have looked into it I have thought about doing something on a small commercial basis. I have no intention (or knowhow ! to do this straight away) but something that I can aim for. Was thinking of setting something up small and then growing in size as my knowledge increases. Any inital thoughts on this ? I have read that this form of 'farming' is possiibly one of the most productive (and therefore profitable ?) ways to use land in terms of farming - any views ? One thing that I have thought which is my only negative one at this stage is that does the electricity use to drive the pumps etc mean that this is more expensive way of producing crops / fish ? I may be completely wrong here - just the intial thoughts of someone who is waiting to learn.
Do you experence people think that this is a non starter for me in terms of something commecial and that I should stick to something less interesting ?
Thanks for your anticipated thoughts