I have 4 indoor ponds used to growout ornamental Cichlids. The ponds are 500-1,000 gallons, and I would like to add aquaponic systems to them in order to maintain better water quality and minimize/eliminate water changes. The vegetable crops are a big added bonus, but not the main intent.

My hatchery is designed for simplicity, low labor, reliability and really low cost. I would like to approach aquaponics the same way.

I'm thinking that the 4 separate ponds should all have there own independent aquaponic system. I'm cogitating using barrels cut in half with pea gravel and a bell siphon fed directly by pumps submerged in the ponds and lit with fluorescents.

Is pea gravel my best bang for the buck? I guess a masonry supply place the best source?

I got barrels but they are white/clear, is algae going to be a problem, benefit or non-issue?

Do the center of the barrels need to be supported? If so, what is recommended? It looked like Badflsh was using zip ties?

I found the stainless fluorescent fixtures that Badflash recommended, but they take two 32watt T8 bulbs. That don't seem like enough light to me, but I'm a total newbie and know nothing. Can 1 fixture supply sufficient light for 1 barrel?

The ponds get filled with 3/4" fish which grow out to 2". Obviously the nitrate production changes greatly as they grow. I'm wondering how you calculate how many barrels you would need per pond, and thinking the number changes over time?

I'm looking to do crops that don't grow too tall and grow fast. I'm thinking mostly mesclun salad mix, cilantro etc. My African Cichlids and ancistrus cats get fed zucchini and green beans occasionally. I don't want to grow those two plants, but would like to grow something to feed the fish. Any suggestions? Any veggie they will eat and I can make sink is a big +

Any comments and suggestions are much appreciated!