hello everyone!

hope everybody is doing fine - fish,plant and bacteria too!

discovered aquaponics beginning of this year...with lessthan a week... my hands are too itchy to get dirty so i decided to make my first system indoors. used 2tubs, one from ikea and one from a plastic shop....

fast forward to today.... moved my system in the small balcony, my cucumber, watermelon, okra, peppermint, jute and basil are growing. cucumber had the most growth, all 7 goldfish are doing great (thank God) -healthy, happy and growing!

i am using this system and the time to learn as much as i can in order to benefit my family and the people within and without my circle... God willing

it would be nice to grow your own food, pick it fresh from your own garden and benefit from it.....

i thank God to those who came before us... leading the way to a better, more productive, more efficient aquaponics system

wanna give a shout out to Affnan.... for his amazing version of the siphon.... his version helped me tremendously get my system kicking.....