This is the most common variety in aquaculture. Somewhat salt tolerant, but nothing like the mossambica. Very hearty in my experience. The main varieties don't start reproduction until about 6 months old, but a sub-species known as the Baringo tilapia starts as early as 3 months and only 3". The Baringo females also grow as large as the males if they are not allowed to breed.

Here is a school of young Baringo's:

These fish love plants and will rapidly take out just about anything you put in with them. They readily eat duckweed, string algae, najas, as well as just about anything that fits in their mouths.

Niles are often hybridized with Blue Tilapia (aurea) to produce a fast growing hybrid. The Rocky Mountain White is one of those crosses,

Niles are more cold tolerant than Mossambica, but not much. Keep them in the high 70's to high 80's F.