
My wife and I currently live in a condo on the north shore of Tahoe. We've been coming up with different ways of shortening our food supply chain and had been talking about hydroponics for a while. Without a south facing window, and being at 6500 feet we have a number of small challenges.

Since we discovered aquaponics, our level of inspiration has increased significantly and were ready to make an indoor setup and love the thought of raising tilapia & lettuce/spinach & other leafy goodness to eat!

I have a couple of questions before pulling the trigger on a tank. I am looking at a 35 gallon fish tank and wonder if that is large enough to raise edible tilapia? If so, how many fish would be optimal in such a space?

Lastly, what size grow bed would you use for a 35 gallon tank?

Trying to move forward soon and we are thinking that an actual fish tank would 'look' better in our condo than a rubber-maid bin... Once we get a tank, we plan to figure out a stand and then a bed.... Then connect the dots, right?

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