Does anyone know where to get one inexpensively? I see the following breeder colony offered for a few hundred bucks:
"A breeder colony consists of six female pure breed orange O. Mossambica, and one male pure breed improved body form O. Hornorum."

That's way out of my price range, but maybe a pure breed male Blue Tilapia and some pure breed female Nile Tilapia would do the trick? From what I have seen those are far more common species...

Does anyone know where to get specific species of fish with some kind of purity guarantee or, heck, credibility to their claims of purity? I have talked to a few guys with ads on craig's list and ebay and they claim they are pure breeds, but when they tell me where they got the parents from (a local lake or something), well, there's a good chance those are hybrids. However, at this point I will take anything because I have a pond with just feeder goldfish and it needs some real fish!